Κύμα θετικών σχολίων στην Huffington Post για Παπανδρέου...

Η σημερινή ανάρτηση της Huffington Post για την πρόσφατη ομιλία Παπανδρέου στο Βερολίνο για την Ελλάδα και την Ε.Ε. είναι μεταξύ των περισσότερο σχολιασμένων αναρτήσεων στο site.

Σε  αντίθεση με το τι λένε διάφοροι, η μεγάλη πλειοψηφία των 148 μέχρι τώρα σχολίων είναι θετικά για την ανάλυση του ΓΑΠ – αρκεί να κάτσει κάποιος να τα διαβάσει όλα. Οι δε σχολιαστές με τους περισσότερους fans έχουν μόνο καλά λόγια να πουν…

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Moldova Marsupial

3196 Fans

2 hours ago (12:09 PM)

Good article


is this microbiology?

1010 Fans

3 hours ago (11:02 AM)

I am astounded to discover a European politician willing to tell it like it is! Mr. Papandreou, thanks very much for your insight. I hope others heed what you say before the European project collapses under its sibling rivalries and xenophobia.


2115 Fans

3 hours ago (11:00 AM)

What an excellent analysis!

Rita R

242 Fans

3 hours ago (10:36 AM)

Excellent insights. I would see the first order of precedence being a total abandonment by all EU countries of the Friedman economics ideologies. “Free markets” is not equivalent to “tariff free.” In combining economic foundations, at this stage of the EU, regulations must be strict and strictly enforced, especially toward financial industries.


224 Fans

4 hours ago (10:05 AM)

No, the Greek socialists told the truth when they took power over the Conservatives. That brought about the crisis, actually. If they had gone on lying, perhaps nothing of all that would have happened.


Spanish Olive Oil Producer

307 Fans

14 hours ago (12:18 AM)

I appreciate the prime minister’s words, however, the reality is Europe is divided. Sure, we love the club nature of being part of a Union but look a little deeper and many of the old indignities still exist and flourish.


617 Fans

16 hours ago ( 9:36 PM)

Good man. Good words.




169 Fans

16 hours ago ( 9:30 PM)

Mr.Papandreou may well as be talking about the United States.
The entire western world faces the same problem. Banks and a-national corporations and the politicians they fund are destroying us, the citizens.

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